Nonprofit Management Blog

Risk Management for Nonprofits: The Board’s Role in Donor and Funder Stewardship
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Risk Management for Nonprofits: The Board’s Role in Donor and Funder Stewardship

In the complex ecosystem of nonprofit management, the stewardship of donors and funders stands out as a critical area where strategic oversight and risk management can yield significant benefits. The board of directors plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the organization not only secures funding but also maintains and strengthens these essential relationships over time. Here’s how nonprofit boards can effectively manage risks in donor and funder stewardship.

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Board Development and Training: Empowering Your Nonprofit's Leaders
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Board Development and Training: Empowering Your Nonprofit's Leaders

The strength of a nonprofit often lies not just in its mission, vision, or resources, but in the leadership and direction provided by its board of directors. These individuals play a crucial role in governance, fundraising, and strategic planning, making their development and training not just beneficial but essential for the organization's success and sustainability. Empowering your nonprofit's leaders through board development and training can lead to more effective governance, increased fundraising capabilities, and a stronger alignment with your nonprofit’s mission and goals.

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Overcoming Common Board Challenges in Nonprofits
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Overcoming Common Board Challenges in Nonprofits

Nonprofit boards are crucial to the governance and success of an organization, yet they often face unique challenges. Addressing these issues head-on is key to maintaining a strong and effective board.

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Aligning Board Roles with Your Nonprofit’s Mission
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Aligning Board Roles with Your Nonprofit’s Mission

A nonprofit organization's mission serves as its compass, guiding its actions, decisions, and strategies. The board of directors, as the governing body, plays a critical role in ensuring that all aspects of the organization align with this mission—including their roles and responsibilities.

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How to Engage Board Members in Fundraising Activities
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

How to Engage Board Members in Fundraising Activities

The involvement of board members can significantly enhance a nonprofit's fundraising efforts. Their connections, credibility, and commitment can provide a substantial boost. Here are seven steps to engage your board members in fundraising activities effectively:

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