Nonprofit Management Blog

Ten Signs Your Nonprofit Shouldn't Be Applying for Grants
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Ten Signs Your Nonprofit Shouldn't Be Applying for Grants

Grants may seem like 'free money,' but that perception is far from the truth. In reality, grants come with their own set of complexities and obligations. Before plunging into the grant application process, it's crucial for nonprofits to assess whether they're truly prepared for the commitment and challenges that come with grant funding. Here are ten signs that your nonprofit isn’t ready to apply for grants:

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Why You’re Not Winning Any Grants
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Why You’re Not Winning Any Grants

Nonprofits depend on grants to help fund important work, but winning them can be challenging in today’s competitive landscape. Many organizations apply for numerous grants each year but fail to receive awards, hurting their ability to drive impact. If your nonprofit is putting significant time and resources into grant applications but seeing little return, re-evaluate your approach. Some issues may prevent success that you can address to dramatically improve results.

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