Nonprofit Management Blog

Ten Signs Your Nonprofit Shouldn't Be Applying for Grants
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Ten Signs Your Nonprofit Shouldn't Be Applying for Grants

Grants may seem like 'free money,' but that perception is far from the truth. In reality, grants come with their own set of complexities and obligations. Before plunging into the grant application process, it's crucial for nonprofits to assess whether they're truly prepared for the commitment and challenges that come with grant funding. Here are ten signs that your nonprofit isn’t ready to apply for grants:

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Grant Writing Ethics Part I: Navigating Ethical Challenges in Grant Writing
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Grant Writing Ethics Part I: Navigating Ethical Challenges in Grant Writing

In the complex world of nonprofit management, ethical considerations are not just a cornerstone of success, but a fundamental necessity. This first post in our series on Grant Writing Ethics explores the critical importance of maintaining integrity, transparency, and honesty throughout the grant writing process.

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Applying the “Snowflake Method” for Writing Fiction to Grant Applications
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Applying the “Snowflake Method” for Writing Fiction to Grant Applications

The Snowflake Method, created by Randy Ingermanson for writing fiction, involves a structured, step-by-step approach to developing a novel. It starts with a simple one-sentence summary and gradually expands into a detailed outline, involving various stages of plotting and character development. This method emphasizes a gradual build-up from a simple core idea to a complex structure, similar to the formation of a snowflake. It's a highly organized method that allows writers to thoroughly develop their story and characters before starting the writing process.

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