Nonprofit Management Blog

Nonprofit Best Practices: Lessons from Successful Organizations
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Nonprofit Best Practices: Lessons from Successful Organizations

The nonprofit sector is a tapestry of unique organizations striving to make a difference. The most successful among them often share common practices that provide a strong foundation for their achievements. Here, we delve into these best practices, drawing lessons from organizations that have excelled in their missions.

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Creating Impactful Logic Models for Nonprofit Programs
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Creating Impactful Logic Models for Nonprofit Programs

Logic models are incredibly useful tools for nonprofits, providing a clear roadmap of a program's intended outcomes and the steps needed to achieve them. This post will guide you through creating an effective logic model for your nonprofit program.

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Measuring Success: Outcomes and Evaluation Techniques for Nonprofits
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Measuring Success: Outcomes and Evaluation Techniques for Nonprofits

In the nonprofit sector, measuring success goes beyond just financial metrics. It's about understanding and demonstrating the impact of your work. This post delves into the various outcomes and evaluation techniques that nonprofits can use to effectively measure their success.

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Measuring Impact: Key Performance Indicators for Nonprofits
Morgan Carpenter Morgan Carpenter

Measuring Impact: Key Performance Indicators for Nonprofits

Nonprofits exist to make a difference, but how do you measure that difference? Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can help. KPIs are measurable values that demonstrate how effectively an organization is achieving its objectives. In this post, we'll explore some important KPIs that can help nonprofits assess their impact.

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