Nonprofit Management Blog

The Ideal Nonprofit Board Member… and How to Find Them
The board of directors plays a crucial role in nonprofit leadership and success. Having members with the right qualifications, experience, skills, and commitment helps steer an organization to achieve maximum impact. However, finding individuals that meet the ideal criteria and are willing and able to serve in a governance capacity is challenging. By understanding the attributes of a strong board member and strategies to recruit them, nonprofits can build an effective and high-functioning board.

Nonprofit Financial Management Basics
Strong financial management is essential for nonprofit health and success. By tracking funds, preparing financial statements, and conducting audits, organizations ensure resources are allocated to maximum impact and maintain transparency that builds trust with donors and stakeholders. While financial management can require significant effort, the benefits to nonprofits and the communities they serve are substantial.

Why You’re Not Winning Any Grants
Nonprofits depend on grants to help fund important work, but winning them can be challenging in today’s competitive landscape. Many organizations apply for numerous grants each year but fail to receive awards, hurting their ability to drive impact. If your nonprofit is putting significant time and resources into grant applications but seeing little return, re-evaluate your approach. Some issues may prevent success that you can address to dramatically improve results.

Staying Up to Date with Nonprofit Trends & Best Practices
The nonprofit sector is constantly evolving. Changes in technology, demographics, politics, the economy, and social issues all influence how nonprofits operate and achieve impact. As these external forces shift, industry standards and best practices change as well. By staying up to date with the latest nonprofit sector trends, organizations can ensure they continue working as efficiently and effectively as possible to drive meaningful progress on their mission.

Does Your Nonprofit Need an Audit?
Nonprofit audits provide independent verification that an organization's financial statements are accurate and its resources are properly managed. While audits require an investment of funds and staff time, they build trust and credibility with donors, funders, partners, and other stakeholders critical for success. For most nonprofits, reaching a certain size or receiving grants that mandate audits triggers the need for independent financial reviews.