Nonprofit Management Blog
The Power of Storytelling in Grant Proposals
Writing a successful grant proposal is a blend of science and art. While the scientific aspect involves a thorough understanding of your project, its goals, and its measurable outcomes, the art lies in presenting this information in a compelling way. One of the most powerful tools for this is storytelling.
Celebrating the Release of My Book: 'Prepare for Impact' is Now Available!
As nonprofit leaders and grant writers, we're constantly searching for that elusive key that unlocks success and sustainability. Today, I'm thrilled to share a crucial piece of that puzzle with the release of my book, Prepare for Impact: Everything You Need to Know to Win Grants and Super-Charge Your Nonprofit. This guide is more than just another grant writing book; it's a roadmap to transforming your organization’s approach to grant seeking and management.
Top 10 Skills Every Nonprofit Leader Should Have
Effective leadership is vital to the success of any nonprofit organization. But what makes a great nonprofit leader? Here are the top 10 skills every nonprofit leader should have:
How to Engage Board Members in Fundraising Activities
The involvement of board members can significantly enhance a nonprofit's fundraising efforts. Their connections, credibility, and commitment can provide a substantial boost. Here are seven steps to engage your board members in fundraising activities effectively:
Overcoming Capacity Constraints in Small Nonprofits
Capacity constraints can often feel like an uphill battle for small nonprofits. Limited funding, personnel, and resources can place significant strain on these organizations, potentially hindering their ability to effectively carry out their mission. However, with smart strategies and a proactive mindset, small nonprofits can overcome these challenges and drive meaningful impact.